Supporters & Donators

Fundraising, thank you to our supporters

Swanley Therapy Centre would like to say a huge thank you to all the companies and organisations who have supported us over the past few years, whether through contributions to use as prizes for fundraising or through monetary donations. Such fundraising is vital to the day-to-day running of the Centre.

Ongoing Supporters:

One Off Donators:

As well as all the individuals who have supported us through sponsorship events:

And donations received in memory of:

  • Martin Bevan
  • Sue Oates
  • Chris Davidge
  • Toni Ford
  • Shital Jethwa
  • Peter Gill
  • Savita Goel
  • Sheila Richards
  • Ted Martin
  • Jeanne Londt
  • Leslie Mills
  • Jan Randall
  • May Campbell
  • Jean Parker

If you would like to support the Centre by contributing please contact us via our contact us page.