Please click the APPLY HERE button.

Please click the APPLY HERE button.

A centre but so much more! While our principal therapy is Oxygen Therapy the Centre provides Bowen Therapy, Pilates, Beauty Treatments and Social Events. Watch this space for more new exciting treatments coming soon!
A place to come, to share experiences and be as involved as you choose. To us everyone has a voice. The Centre provides support, socialisation and a sense of belonging to all of our members, guests and volunteers.
We care about your mental wellbeing as well as your physical health.
People visit us with a range of conditions such as MS, Diabetes, cancer, sports injuries, broken bones and most recently for Long Covid.
Don’t take our word for it, just ask some of the famous footballers, elite athletes and motorsport champions who have come through our doors!
Swanley Therapy Centre is a place where our users and members can come together and socialise.
We hold coffee mornings and fundraising and social events that you are welcome to attend.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us or just come in and see us and have a coffee!
Please note our office hours are 9am-2pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
We are currently accepting applications for our Oxygen Therapy waiting list. To learn more about the process and submit an application, please click the button below.